Fill up balance
- Via bank card (online)1 у.е. = 69,00
- Via payment terminals and ATM1 у.е. = 76,50
- At cellular phone stores1 у.е. = 76,50
- By e-money1 у.е. = 76,50
- From Russian number account1 у.е. = 76,50
- By Hello Card
(Express-Payment Card)1 у.е. = 68,00
By e-money

You may pay for the service via Alfa-Click:
Follow the link →
Enter login (ID) in Alfa-Click system →
Enter the number in the format 372ХХХХХХХХ →
Enter the sum (RUR) →
Enter your contact details →
Push «Pay»

You may also pay for the service from your Yandex.Money account:
Commodities and Services →
Communication services →
All cellular operators of your region →
Enter the number in the format 372ХХХХХХХХ →
Enter the sum (RUR) →
Push «Pay»

You may also pay for the service via WebMoney.Payment:
Communication services →
Enter the number in the format 372ХХХХХХХХ →
Enter the sum (RUR) →
Push «Pay»

Wallet One
You may also pay for the service from your Wallet One:
Follow the link →
Enter the number in the format 372ХХХХХХХХ →
Enter the sum (RUR) →
Enter your contact details →
Push «Pay»